Check the sites above^^^
Also, in my experience, those startup beeps are most often (but not always) caused by the RAM or video card. However, often times it's just a matter or cleaning the dust out of the inside of the computer and then re-seating the RAM and video card - basically, remove them from their slots and reinsert them. In the case of the video card, when you reinsert it, make sure it is fully seated in the slot.
In the case of the RAM, try reinstalling only one stick, one at a time, to narrow down which one causes the problem (if that is the problem)
For the video card, you could replace the video card with any card (as long as you have a slot for it) - even an old PCI card - just to see if the beeps go away.
If you have on-board graphics, remove any separate video card and plug the monitor into the on-board connector. Follow the procedure in the manual for your computer/motherboard to reset/clear the BIOS and try it again.